Free digital signature widget for website
Free digital signature widget for website

free digital signature widget for website free digital signature widget for website

NOTE: For the widgets to work in Chrome, users must allow third-party cookies.

  • Air Quality Flag Program Widget This widget supports the Air Quality Flag Program and features a picture of the flag you should fly for the day's Air Quality Forecast color.
  • Air Quality Index Widget for Digital Signage A 300% enlarged animated AQI Dial showing the current AQI without any forecast values for Digital Signage use.
  • Air Quality Index Widget with Primary Pollutant A miniature version of the animated AQI Dial showing the current AQI and the Primary Pollutant.
  • Air Quality Index Widget A miniature version of the animated AQI Dial showing the current AQI without any forecast values.
  • There are two types of widgets available: The Air Quality Index helps people track when the air pollution levels are in an unhealthy range so they can modify their activities as necessary to protect their health. Children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to air pollution, which can harm their lungs and hearts. The widgets allow your organization to provide air quality data to the people you want to reach. Our mission is to empower companies and organizations with cutting edge digital Signage and kiosk technology that’s affordable and customizable.

    #Free digital signature widget for website code#

    Use these free widgets from the Environmental Protection Agency to show air quality information right on your own web page! Add a simple line of code using the following examples to your web page and the widgets will display the correct data for your city and state. Since March of 2006, MediaSignage has been helping businesses improve their sales and build a captive audience using our FREE Digital Signage and Touch Screen software.

    Free digital signature widget for website